4 Methods to Format SD Card | Solutions to Fix SD Card Corruption Error


Summary: In this article, we will discuss on how to Format SD card and how to fix the corrupted SD card. Besdides, we will also provide a step-by-step procedure on how to recovery data with Bitwar Data Recovery Software.

SD Card or Secure Digital is popularly used in portable devices such as cell phones and cameras; it is an ultra-small flash memory card with relatively high capacity memory. The latest digital cameras and video camcorders, smartphones, audio players, computers, and other portable devices now can load 64GB SD card or Micro SD card as a storage medium to store cherished photos and treasurable memories that you want to keep for good.

Then how to format the SD card correctly, and why should we perform formatting on the SD card? Then you may read through the content below to get an idea.

What Does Formatting SD Card Do?

It is no longer a new issue when SD card is attached to a computer, and it seems to be corrupted or virus-infected, then reformat SD card is a quick fix to resolve the problems.

One thing to consider then is the target environment where needs to insert the SD card. Is the file system compatible? To make the SD card visible on the system, it’s better to format the SD card with proper file system e.g., FAT32, before using it to a specific device.

Generally, there are five reasons to format SD card:

  1. Change the file system.
  2. Improve speed and functioning.
  3. Repair corrupt SD Card.
  4. Reinstate SD Card to its optimum capacity.
  5. Get rid of the virus and malware program.

Methods to Format SD Card

Thus, to erase the SD memory card properly, we are listing four methods for you to take reference.

Method 1: Windows Explorer

Connecting your SD with the computer and then click This PC on the desktop, after that right-click on the SD card, and choose Format from the popup menu.

Choose the File Format as FAT32 and tick Quick Format, and then click Start. You’ll receive a WARNING: Formatting will erase ALL data on this disk. Don’t worry, if you are willing to format after buying a new SD card, you can click OK to continue, and the system will format the SD card in a short time and informs the result.

Method 2: Disk Management

Press Win + R and type diskmgmt.msc in the window, a Disk Management window pops up after clicking OK. Right-click the SD card and choose Format, you can select the file system and tick perform a quick format to let the system format the SD card.

Method 3: CMD

CMD is short for Command Prompt, and the users can type the DOS command to format SD card, only press Win + R and type CMD in the window, then a DOS window pops up, and you just need to type Format F:/q to perform a quick format.

Method 4: Diskpart

  1. Press Win + R and type CMD to launch the Command Prompt window
  2. Enter Diskpart in the window and then enter List Disk.
  3. Enter Select Disk 1, if your SD card is disk 1. Otherwise, change 1 to another number.
  4. Type Clean in the CMD window and then press Enter on your keyboard.
  5. Enter Create partition primary.
  6. After that, type format fs=fat32 to let the system starts formatting the SD card.

Can’t format the SD Card?

When using Windows Explorer to format the SD card, sometimes we may encounter an error, “Windows was unable to complete format SD Card.” What is that, and why? Then you should know some signs of SD card corruption to take notice.

Signs of SD Card Corruption

SD Card corruption is unacceptable in simple terms, and losing your photos and videos is quite annoying. Thus, being precautious is a must; in addition, there are several signs need to aware of:

  • Files disappear: You might discover one day that some files are missing. The cause might be a file system error.
  • Receives SD Card errors: An example of this is “access is denied,”card not formatted,”you need to format the disk before you can use it,” and “RAW” status in disk management.
  • SD Card unrecognized by the device: An example of this is when you insert an SD card to a PC thru card reader, and it is not recognized.
  • Cannot Read SD Card or Write-protection: When this happens, you will be unable to make any changes. This is another indication that the SD card is corrupted.
  • Unknown files in SD Card: You might get shocked when your data are missing, but it is more shocking when hidden files appear in your SD Card. This might be a virus or malware.
  • Show 0 byte: SD card shows empty. Your SD card might be suffering from virus infection or errors in the files system.

Thus, with the above-explained reasons, you may encounter the SD card corruption problem. To fix the question correctly, and make the SD card visible again, you have six solutions to try!

6 Solutions to Fix SD Card Corruption Error

Solution 1: Plug SD Card to Another USB Port

If the current USB port can make SD card visible on your computer, and try to change to another USB port.

Solution 2: Try on Different PC or Operating System

If you are having Windows PC and cannot detect your SD card, try to connect to a Mac or Linux computer, or change another Windows PC to give a try.

Solution 3: Assign a New Drive Letter

Enter into Disk Management and right-click on your SD card, choose “Change Drive Letter and Path” and assign a new drive letter to make it visible again.

Solution 4: Update the USB Device Driver

Enter into Device Manager by typing” devmgmt.msc” in the Win+R window, and then choose “Update Driver Software.”

Solution 5: Use CHKDSK to Check SD Card Errors

Step 1: Right-click on the Start Menu and select Command Prompt or type cmd and Enter to run it as administrator.

Step 2: Type chkdsk drive letter:/f (find the assigned drive letter of your SD Card), then click Enter. The windows will start repairing errors and damaged files.

Step 3: Insert your SD card again and check if your SD card visible still in This PC.

Solution 6: Reinstall SD Card

Step 1: Right-Click My Computer or This PC and hit Manage.

Step 2: Click the Device Manager and double-click Disk Drives and right-click your SD Card.

Step 3: Click Uninstall then OK.

Step 4: Eject your SD Card, Restart your PC and Insert your SD Card again. Check if your PC detects your SD Card.

And when you encounter windows cannot format micro SDcard error, you can also use Diskpart to fix this problem (Return to Method 4).

Format SD Card Write Protected

This format part is divided into two operating systems, Windows and Mac.

Windows Operating System

Step 1: In the Start button, click Command Prompt (Admin) or type cmd in the Search Windows.

Step 2: Right-click the Command Prompt and select Run administrator.

Step 3: In the pop-up window, type diskpart then list disk. A list of drives connected to your PC will be shown.

Step 4: Type select disk n (Note that n is the number assigned for your SD card)

Step 5: Type attributes disk clear readonly then type clean. This portion is to remove the write protection.

Step 6: To end the process, type exit.

Step 7: Go back to the previous method presented.

Mac Operating System

If you are using the Mac OS system, please follow the method below for reference.

Step 1: Insert SD Card to your PC and through a card reader.

Step 2: Go to Disk Utility. On the top right corner of your screen, click the magnifying glass. In the search box, type disk utility and open the app.

Step 3: Find your SD card assigned with No Name or Untitled. Click the Erase tab.

Step 4: Click the Format. Select the proper file system: if the SD card is 32 GB, choose MS-DOS (FAT), if 64 GB SD card, select exFat.

Step 5: A prompt message will pop up. Click Erase. Then your SD card is successfully deleted.

MacOS First Aid Disk Ulitity Erase

Recover Data with Bitwar Data Recovery

What if you have vital photos, documents, videos you need urgently that you don’t want to lose. After checking disk management, you can still find your SD card in the list, then there’s no need to format SD card, on the contrary, you can try using third-party SD Card Recovery Software to recover data for you.

Before anything gets worse, prioritize your valuable photos, videos, and other data in your SD card before proceeding to format. Important Note: as long as the SD card is not physically damaged, stop using the memory card before running it to data recovery.

And here, we strongly recommend you download and install Bitwar Data Recovery Software for Windows or Mac, keep it connected on your computer, and once finding data loss. It can help recover your precious data for the very first time.

Learn It Now!

The error issues about the SD card have been popularly discussed by users, which usually boils down into file system incompatibility. Meanwhile, SD card corruption is the leading cause that leads to a decision of formatting.

This is to get rid of viruses or malware programs and enhance the work performance of your SD Card, as long as the SD card is not physically damaged.  Always make sure that you can still keep your precious photos, videos, and audios from the SD card with the help of Bitwar Data Recovery Software before the formatting SD card.

Read More

  1. How to Recover Deleted Files from SD Card
  2. How to Recover Data from Pen Drive
  3. Proven Ways to Recover Data from External Drive Showing 0 bytes
  4. How to Recover Lost Data from External Hard Disk

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  1. Great thanks, needed this info ASAP, also thanks for the customer support, very nice how fast you helped me and sorry if it was a silly question. Good luck to all, and thanks again.

  2. Thank you! This is a high value information, doing it wrong will create issues in the future, as I have seen for myself. This guide is explained in a simple way, but still its been one of the most complicated things to do in the computer (not highly train in this area tho) but finally got the result I needed and wanted, thank you guys for sharing this! very helpful 5/5

  3. Such an important information! Thank you very much, came here looking for something like this. While formatting it asks me which type of file system, FAT32, NTFS or exFAT, which one should I use? I think that doing this step wrong is what has been bringing all those issues to me, thank you!

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