5 Options to Fix “Chrome won’t Download Files” Error


Summary: In this article, you will find the best ways to fix Chrome won’t download files error issue with the best data recovery – Bitwar Data Recovery Software.

Chrome by Google is one of the most popular and used internet browsers in the world. It is usually preferred by the users due to its simplicity and efficiency. So, an error like “Chrome won’t download files” seems pretty far-fetched and impossible.

Chrome won't download files_Main

But the error actually occurs and it makes your browser unable to download anything. Chrome is a very powerful browser and people love it for that reason but when that error occurs people ask for help on the internet.

After they have clicked the download button with the intention to download something, it does not respond. Many have searched the internet but they have come up with no answers. But we have a number so solutions that may help you in such a situation, have a look at the detail below.

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2 Ways to Fix Download Problems on Google Chrome

Users have discussed this error, extensively on Google forums but there is still no officially provided solution available. But after extensive research we have figured out a few things, hopefully, they will be very helpful to you.

Method 1: Fix the Download Error Using Google Chrome Help Page

This solution is directly from the help page of Google Chrome. The tab is referred as “Fix File Download Errors in Google Chrome”; if you face this error message while trying to download a file via Google Chrome, you can use the troubleshooting method detailed below;

Step 1: Make sure that your internet connection is working properly. If you found it unstable you need to make it stable.

Step 2: After making the connections stable, try to download the file again.

Step 3: If it still shows the error, you can contact the owner of the website.

This method may help you but if it does not you need to follow the next detailed method to fix this issue.

Method 2: Troubleshoot “Chrome won’t download files”

A generous number of users have faced “Chrome won’t download files” issue. Being one of the best and powerful internet browsers on the market, Chrome has a significant number of followers. So, when such an issue occurs, a majority of the population faces the consequences.

So, after going through a lot of stories regarding the said issue we have come with 5 troubleshooting solutions, which we hope to be a permanent solution to this error.

Option 1: You need to run the Chrome Cleanup Tool, it will do some basic cleaning and also free up some space. Also, reset Chrome settings to default and clear all history and cache.

Tips: Just copy the below bold line and paste to your Chrome browser’s URL bar.

Locate Chrome Cleanup Tool: chrome://settings/cleanup

Chrome Cleanup Tool

Locate Reset Chrome Settings: chrome://settings/resetProfileSettings?origin=userclick

Reset Settings

Clear All history and Cahce: chrome://settings/clearBrowserData

Clear Chrome history

Option 2: The Hardware Acceleration option, it needs to be unchecked. So, go to the Chrome menu and then navigate to Settings. After that, click on Advanced and move to System. Here’ you will find the Use Hardware Acceleration When Available option, uncheck it. Lastly, restart the browser.

Use hardware acceleration when available

Option 3: You can also try by deleting all the Google Registry. Press WIN logo key + R to open Run dialog box and type Regedit and then, locate the Google Registry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google, right-click the Google Registry and then choose Delete.

Delet Google Registry

Option 4: press WIN logo key + R and then type: Control, find Program and Features, right-click on Google Chrome and then choose Uninstall,  after that, reinstall the Chrome Browser.

Uninstall Chrome

Option5: Lastly, type: chrome://extensions/ in your browser’s URL bar and you can disable all third-party download Plugins. Or other download apps, if there is any.

Remove download plugin

Recover Deleted Chrome History & Bookmarks After the Browser Reset

A few of the “Chrome won’t download files” error fixing method requires completely erasing all the Bookmarks and History from the Chrome browser. But there are ways to recover those files immediately after you have fixed the error.

You can follow this article How to Recover Google Chrome History on Windows 10/8/7[Full Guide] to restore Chrome History.

Recover Deleted Download Files using Bitwar Data Recovery

After fixing the Chrome won’t download files issue, we can now download the files that we need, however, we might delete the files accidentally some times. How to retrieve the files back? You can also use the Free Data Recovery SoftwareBitwar Data Recovery, before processing the data recovery, we need to know where we save the download files.

You can type chrome://settings and then click Advanced where locates at the bottom position. Scroll down the page and find Downloads Section, you can then find what path you are using to save the download files.

Locate the Download Path

As I have saved the download files to D:\Personal\Downloads, though, we’ll need to locate this folder in Bitwar Data Recovery Software.

Step 1: Download and then install the Bitwar Data Recovery, after installation, launch the software.

Download for PC Download for Mac

Step 2: Select D partition and then click on Next. Choose Quick Scan Mode and then continue selecting the file types you want to recover.

Quick Scan

Step 3: After clicking on the Scan button, the software starts to find the target download files as you need. Double-click on the file to preview, and then hit on the Recover button.

Bitwar Recover Chrome Download Files

Tips: Please be sure that don’t save the download files back to D partition as this operation may cause permanent data loss.


Therefore, “Chrome won’t download files” is a terrible error that stops you from downloading any of your important files, document, or emails from the internet. Although it is an old error from Google Chrome, there are still no official fixes are provided by the designer.

So, we have provided a few of which seemed to have been effective but one of the procedures requires the users to delete all their Browser History & Bookmarks. Doing that, will most probably fix the said issue but it will erase a few files that may or may not be important to the users.

So, if you are troubled by the deletion of those files, you can use Bitwar Data Recovery software to recover those files immediately after the fix of the said Google Chrome error.

Read More

  1. [SOLVED] How to Recover Deleted Emails from Gmail Permanently
  2. [Solved] How to Recover Deleted Skype Chat History
  3. 5 Options to Fix “Chrome won’t Download Files” Error
  4. 100% Working Solutions to Recover Deleted Files from Dropbox

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