4 Ways To Fix “Can’t View Pictures On SD Card In Camera”


Summary: This article will show you some of the best and simple ways to resolve and fix “Can’t view pictures on SD card in Camera” issue and recover all the important data using the powerful Bitwar data recovery software.

Many reasons can cause “Can’t view pictures on SD card in Camera’ issue occurs on Windows, but there is nothing to worry so much about if you face such a problem as this can be fixed by following the simple and straightforward steps provided in the article below!

Can't View Pictures on SD Card in Camera

Before we are trying to fix the issue, there are some most common factors that can cause this error, please check one by one to avoid the SD card being encountered the same error next time.

Factors of The Issue

  1. Viruses and Malware.
  2. Bad card sectors.
  3. Hidden files.
  4. Physically damaged SD card.
  5. SD card corrupted.
  6. Corrupted file system.

After you had understood the factors of causing the issue on your Windows 10, 8, 7. Then, please follow the method below to fix the problem as soon as possible!

How to Fix “Can’t View Pictures on SD Card”

Method 1: Use a Different Card Reader

If the pictures and videos can be viewed on your camera but not on your computer, then use another card reader and check if the photos can be seen or not. Suppose that the pictures and videos on your SD card can be viewed on another card reader, then there could be an issue with the previous card reader.

Method 2: Solve the issue by enabling hidden files in the SD card:

At sometimes the photos in your SD card could be hidden from your system, in such a case, use the solution below to unhide them:

Step 1: Initiate by clicking on the Start button.

Step 2: In the search bar, type Control Panel.

Step 3: Select the Appearance and Personalization option from the left side.

Step 4: After this, select Show hidden files and folders option from the Folder Options.

Show Hidden Files

Step 5: Now, check on Show hidden files, folders, and drive, followed by clicking on the Apply button to apply the changes.

If none of the above solutions couldn’t work to make the photos or videos show up again on your SD card, relax, we can still reply on the third party data recovery softwareBitwar Data Recovery to access the photos & videos on your SD card.

Restore Data with Bitwar Data Recovery Software

Make sure your SD card is showing up on Disk Management, here are the ways: Press Win + R key in the same time and enter the Diskmgmt.msc, after that, check whether your SD card exist there in the Management window.

If yes! Congratulations!

Bitwar Data Recovery Software can do to help you retreieve the photos & videos in simple 3 steps.

Steps to Retrieve Data with Bitwar Data Recovery Software:

Step 1: Download the software according to your system, and install the program, after that, Connect the SD Card to your computer device and launch recovery software, followed by selecting the option USB/Memory Card Recovery.

Download for PC Download for Mac

Step 2: Now, click on the SD Card from where you want to recover data and click on the Next button.

Step 3: Select the File Type that you wish to recover, followed by clicking the Next button.

Select All Types

Step 4: After this, Preview the data and click on the Recover button to start the recovery.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure NOT TO save the recovered data on the original location and save at a NEW safe location to prevent Data Overwritten!

If there were no vital photos or videos store on the SD card, you can just jump to below two methods to make a quick test. Please note below methods may cause the data to lose, you should be very careful and try to read every single word to not to miss something importantly.

Other Solutions Still Worth A Try

Method 3: By Removing Write Protection from the SD Card

When the SD card is on write-protected, you won’t be able to see the files on your computer. Therefore, check for the physical lock first. Some SD cards have a physical lock that enables write protection, make sure this lock is not activated.

But, if the SD card is hung upon to the Read-Only mode, it can be fixed referring to the steps below:

Step 1: Click on the Start button. Then type command or cmd in the search box.

Step 2: Now, launch the Command Prompt by Right-clicking on it to run as an administrator.

Step 3: Type diskpart command in the Command Prompt and press the Enter key.

Administrator Command Prompt

Step 4: Type list disk command and Enter key again.

Step 5: Then, type select disk X and press Enter to run this command.

( X represents the number from the first column of the SD card for which you want to perform the command)

Step 6: Now, type attributes disk clear read-only command and press the Enter button to execute.

Step 7: Lastly, type Exit and press Enter to exit from the Command Prompt.

Method 4: Remove the Virus or Malware

Sometimes viruses or malware can be the factor of the “Can’t view pictures on SD card in camera” issue on Windows. Therefore, it’s best to remove it or check it by using the command prompt.

Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go and start Window Search.

Step 2: Type in Command or cmd in the search box.

Step 3: Now, launch the Command Prompt by Right-clicking on it to run as an administrator.

Step 4: Type diskpart command in the command prompt window, followed by pressing the Enter key to execute.

Step 5: After this, type attrib -h -r -s /s /d drive letter:\*.* command and press Enter.

Remove Virus or Malware

Step 6: At last, type Exit to exit out of the Command Prompt.

Fix-It Now!

Nobody would want their photos and videos stored in the SD card to go unaccessible. There is no need to be worried in such cases as there are solutions given above to fix the “Can’t view pictures on SD card in camera” issue.

However, when you are fixing the issue, please make sure whether the photos & videos are needed and you can recover all your vital data using the best quality recovery tool: Bitwar Data Recovery Software to avoid any permanent data loss in the SD card.

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